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Guest Lecture : Development of New Ligands for Tool Like Receptor 9. As Potent Drugs for Immunotherapy

Guest Lecture : Development of New Ligands for Tool Like Receptor 9. As Potent Drugs for Immunotherapy

Guest Lecture : Development of New Ligands for Tool Like Receptor 9. As Potent Drugs for Immunotherapy

[:id]Penulis : Gita Kemala

Bandung, biologis3.sith.itb.ac.id – Guestlecture kali ini mendatangkan Principal Investigator dari NIMS (National Institute for Materials Science), Tomohiko Yamazaki Ph.D. Guest lecture yang dibawakan mengambil topik seputar penelitian beliau di Research Centre for Functional Materials.

Minat penelitian beliau saat ini termasuk dalam ranah pengembangan protein rekayasa untuk pemantauan in vitro molekul kecil seperti peptida, penanda hormon dan diagnostik, desain dan konstruksi struktur nano-skala buatan berbasis molekuler biologi menggunakan kombinasi teknik protein dan teknik pencetakan secara molekuler.

Selain memaparkan penelitian, beliau juga memberikan informasi mengenai kesempatan internship bagi mahasiswa pascasarjana di NIMS, Tsukuba-Japan.

Guest Lecture ditutup dengan diskusi dengan mahasiswa mengenai penelitian beliau dan sesi pertanyaan tentang kesempatan internship yang ditawarkan.


 [:en]Penulis : Gita Kemala

Bandung, biologis3.sith.itb.ac.id

This time we were honoured to invite Principal Investigator from NIMS (National Institute for Materials Science), Tomohiko Yamazaki Ph.D. The guest lecture presented a topic of his research at the Research Center for Functional Materials.His current research interests are in the realm of developing engineering proteins for in vitro monitoring of small molecules such as peptides, hormone markers and diagnostics, the design and construction of artificial molecular biology nanoscale structures using a combination of protein techniques and molecular printing techniques. In addition to the research, he also provided information about internship opportunities for graduate students in NIMS, Tsukuba-Japan. The Guest Lecture closed with a discussion with students about the research and question session about the internship opportunities offered at NIMS.



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