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Kuliah Tamu Prof Hein

Kuliah Tamu Prof Hein

Kuliah Tamu Prof Hein


Selasa, 8 Mei 2012, Program Doktor Biologi SITH ITB menyelenggarakan Kuliah tamu di Ruang Sidang SITH ITB.

Sebagai pembicara adalah Associate Professor Lars Hein dari Wageningen University dengan topik ‘the biophysical analysis and economic valuation of ecosystem services’.

Kuliah tersebut dihadiri oleh mahasiswa postgraduate Biologi SITH.

Berikut informasi singkat Prof Hein:

Dr. Lars Hein is Associate Professor at Wageningen University, the Netherlands. He has published over 50 articles in the field of environmental sciences and global change, and has a particular interest in the mapping, modelling and economic valuation of ecosystem services. He is a European Research Council laureate, and is project manager of several projects involving ecosystem services. On a regular basis, he he is providing advisory services to UN, World Bank and FAO. Prior to joining the university he has worked in the private sector (Shell International) and the UN (FAO).

The presentation was about the topic of ‘Ecosystem services’, focussing on the biophysical analysis and economic valuation of ecosystem services, and the potential of an ecosystem service approach to support land use and natural resource management. The theory will be illustrated with several case studies.



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